Law Enforcement Torch Run (NSW) is a charitable fund that comprises officers from the New South Wales Police Force and other law enforcement agencies, working together in support of Special Olympics New South Wales.

Our Aims and Objectives

To develop and maintain fund raising initiatives to provide continuing financial support to Special Olympics (New South Wales)

To raise awareness within the New South Wales Police Force and other Law Enforcement Agencies operating in New South Wales of the existence and nature of the Special Olympics movement

To raise awareness across the community of the work done by the Special Olympics movement through the conduct of Law Enforcement Torch Runs


The Trustee for Law Enforcement Torch Run (NSW) Charitable Trust

Australian Business Number
13 859 162 288

Australian Taxation Office Endorsements
Deductible Gift Recipient
Income Tax Exemption
GST Concessions

NSW Fair Trading
Incorporation as an Association
Law Enforcement Torch Run (NSW) Incorporated

NSW Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing
Approval to conduct Charitable Fundraising

PO Box 1061, Sutherland NSW 1499

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